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Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Optimization algorithm used primarily for training machine learning models

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is an optimization algorithm used primarily for training machine learning models, especially in cases where the data is large and traditional optimization methods become computationally expensive. It’s a variant of the gradient descent algorithm that updates model parameters more frequently by using a subset of the data, making it efficient and scalable.

Update Rule for SGD

For a given model with parameters θ and a learning rate α, the update rule in SGD for a single training example( x i,y i ) can be expressed as:

θ=θ−α∇θJ(θ;x i,y i )


  • θ are the model parameters (weights).
  • α  is the learning rate, which controls how large the steps are during the optimization.
  • θJ(θ;x i,y i ) is the gradient of the loss function J with respect to the model’s parameters θ for a single training example ( x i,y i )

Advantages of Stochastic Gradient Descent:

  • Efficient for Large Datasets:Since SGD updates the parameters after processing just one example or a mini-batch, it can start improving the model’s performance much more quickly compared to batch gradient descent, which waits until all examples are processed.
  • Fast Convergence:SGD can converge faster than batch gradient descent because it updates the model more frequently, especially early in the optimization process.
  • Scalable: SGD is particularly well-suited for large-scale machine learning problems, where using the full dataset in every iteration is computationally prohibitive.
  • Escape from Local Minima:The random nature of updates in SGD can help the optimization escape local minima or saddle points, leading to a better final solution in non-convex optimization problems like deep learning.

Use Cases of Stochastic Gradient Descent:

  • Deep Learning: SGD and its variants (Adam, RMSProp, etc.) are the de facto optimization methods for training deep neural networks due to their efficiency and scalability.
  • Linear Models:For models like linear regression and logistic regression, SGD is often used when the dataset is too large to fit in memory or when quick convergence is desired.
  • Recommendation Systems:SGD is used in matrix factorization techniques for collaborative filtering, such as in the Netflix prize-winning algorithm, where the dataset is sparse and large.
  • Natural Language Processing:Word2Vec, a popular word embedding algorithm, uses SGD to train on large corpora of text data.

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