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If you don’t have your own model, you can create a new one through Auto ML. .

Whenever a user creates a new project, a default AutoML model, ‘XGBoost_default,  gets trained for default prediction and default explainability. In case a user wants to use his own model for explainability, the same can be done through:

  1. Uploading own model OR
  2. Training the model, for which inbuilt modelling techniques - Tree-based, probabilistic and linear, are present in AryaXAI, namely:

        - XGBoost

       - LGBoost

        - CatBoost

        - RandomForest

        - SGD

        - Logistic Regression

        - GaussianNaiveBayes

You can fine tune these models and tune the hyper parameters.

Through GUI

Model upload

When uploading own models, users need to:

  1. Access the 'Settings' section and proceed to the 'Model Upload' tab
  2. Define the model name: Provide a name for your model.
  3. Specify Model Architecture: Indicate whether the model is based on machine learning or deep learning (deep learning support is coming soon).
  4. Specify Training and Testing Data: Provide the datasets to be used for training and testing the model.
Note: You can only upload a new model within an existing project where the initial data iteration has been uploaded. Ensure that all features used in your model are presented in the data you have uploaded ie; data points in the model and uploaded file need to be the same
Note: If the training and testing data are not provided, AryaXAI will automatically select a random sub-sample from the training data to use as testing data. This allows AryaXAI to benchmark your uploaded model against a subset of the training data.

To activate the new model for use, you must manually select it under 'Options' within the 'Model Versions' tab.

Model Version

Once your model is successfully trained, a comprehensive list of all versions is accessible and listed in the 'Model Versions' tab.

The model version dashboard provides users with a comprehensive list of all models, offering an overview and management capabilities. This list includes:

- Model name and status

- Creation and updation details

- Accuracy, precision, recall, and F score metrics

- Actions column, which allows users to activate or delete models.

Model Performance

The default performance of the model trained is tracked under the ‘Model Performance’ tab. 

Train Model

To train a model:

  1. Select the desired modelling technique and click ‘Train’
  2. Set the Data Configuration to match the settings used during initial data upload. You will need to select the Training tags and Testing tags from the dropdown.
  3. Select 'Save initial configuration' and 'Save Feature Encoding' for consistency and accuracy in the model training process
  4. Customize the model parameters to tailor the training process according to specific requirements
  5. Set the Explainability parameters. Select the Explainer Shape and set the data sample percentage
  6. Select the server to run your remote environment on
  7. After configuring data and model parameters, select 'Train model' to start the training process

Once the model is successfully trained, a comprehensive list of all versions is accessible and listed in the 'Model Versions' tab.

Note: A maximum of 10 models can be trained within a workspace. Within a project, only 2 models can be trained. (Considering workspace limitations, a maximum of 5 projects can be created.)

You need to activate the new model manually under ‘Options’ in the ‘Model Versions’ tab. 

Upon activating a model, detailed information becomes available within the 'Model Info' section, providing a comprehensive overview of the model, which includes:

- Model name

- Model Type

- Model Params

- Data tags

- Modelling info, which shows the details used for training the model


For the (activated) model you have trained, if you want to derive inferences for any tag, AryaXAI offers the ‘Inferencing’ section. In this section, you can run predictions using the activated model on specific files or tags.

Post-inference execution, the results are stored as tags, which are listed in the 'Inferencing Files' section. The list displays essential details such as the model name, the creation date of the inference, and performance metrics like accuracy, recall, and precision, among others. You also have the option to download this data if needed. 

The same tags generated from the inference process are accessible within the ML Monitoring section, providing a unified view of the inferences made by the model.

Through SDK

Additionally, you can also use the AryaXAI python package for tasks like training models, activating models for a project, model inferencing, or case info on projects with just a few lines of code.

Upload a Model:


Help function to upload a model:


Train Model:

To train a model and retrieve a list of all trained models within the project:

# train model

# all trained models

# Train model. This Trains Another version Model with Current config (If config not passed)

# available models to train 

Help function to train a model:

# Help on method train_model

Delete a trained model:



The below function performs predictions on testing data using the XGBoost default model. You have the flexibility to pass any model you prefer or leave it blank to use the default model.

# model inference

# model_name optional default to active model for the project

#The inferencing results are stored as 'Testing_XGBoost_v1_Inference' tag.

# get quick overview of testresults data

#This testresults data will have additional columns named Predicted_value_AutoML, Prediction_category_AutoML, pred_proba_AutoML 

Help function on model inferencing

# Help on method model_inference

Additional functions:

# get Active model details
modelinfo = project.model_summary()

# set model active for project

# Model Performance of Active Model

# get current data config details. If you don't modify the data settings, any future fine-tuning will use the same data settings

# remove model

# project Cases 
project.cases()  # #last 20 case list

# project Case Info 

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